"And now these three remain: Talent, Craftmanship & Passion"
(free after St Paul) |   |
Title | Score | Play*) | Remarks | *** Recent (2008 - 2022) *** |
Élégie - on viola |   | YouTube | as performed by Michelle Pritchard August 26, 2024 on Abdijplein Middelburg (Neth) during Nazomerfestival Zeeland 2024 |
80+ Fugues on the melodies of the Genevan Psalter
Example #41 "Heureux celui qui du pauvre a souci" |
mp3 |
double reeds |
Die winter is vergangen (1953?)
- Variatie I - Variatie II - Variatie III - Variatie IV - Variatie V idem stream on Steinway idem stream for Violin & Viola |
mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 |
  | |
Cantate Concertante (redesign 2023)
Seven movements: - Overture - Duet Air, for Soprano & Bassoon - Air for Choir a cappella - Pastorale, for Flute,English horn & Bassoon - Air for Choir & Strings - Grand Fugue, for Organ - Choral, Intermezzo, Choral, for Choir, Brass Sextet, Strings & Organ id stream |
mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 |
Cantate for Good Shepherd Sunday (4th Sunday from Easter). "Met ontroering heb ik de muziek beluisterd. Na één keer luisteren mijn reactie: het is prachtig. Je hebt voor mij de sfeer van de psalm weten te treffen. Het majestueuze, verwachtingsvolle en feestelijk openingskoor, het serene, gelijkwaardige samenspel tussen cello en sopraan in de duet-aria, de koor aria die rustig vertrouwen ademt, de paradijselijke pastorale. Toen ik bij de pastorale gekomen was, vroeg ik me af hoe je dit op een goede manier zou kunnen afsluiten. Er zijn zoveel verwachtigen gewekt. Maar ook de afronding is wonderwel gelukt: het vol vertrouwen bemoedigd en getroost op weg gaan dat ik hoorde in koor-aria II en het opnieuw majestueuze, voorname slotkoor. Werkelijk een 'grande finale'! Je hebt me met deze muziek een groot plezier gedaan en ik hoop dat het lukt om de cantate uit te voeren, zodat ook anderen ervan kunnen genieten." Ds Marjo Wisse, 's Heer-Arendskerke "A very enjoyable and rewarding concert piece!" Jeff Cattie, composer & publisher |
Fugue on a melody by Lennon/McCartney (Michelle) | mp3 |
"Bach goes to Liverpool" A beautiful theme for a baroque-like fugue |
Pastorale & Air for Advent |
mp3 |
for Flute, Choir SATB & Organ |
Fugue & Chorale for Church Organ on a melody by Adriaan C. Schuurman | mp3 |
Op een gedicht van Joost van den Vondel "d'Almachtige is mijn Herder en Geleide" |
*** Some fugues on melodies of the Genevan Psalter *** | ||||
Fugue on Genevan Psalter #75
"Rendons grâce et bénissons" | mp3 | set for brass quintet
Fugue on Genevan Psalter #84
"Dans ta maison je suis heureux" | mp3 | set for church organ & bariton singer
"Wie lieblich sind Deine Wohnungen" (Brahms, Ein Deutsches Requiem) |
Fugue on Genevan Psalter #56
"Pitié pour moi en tous lieux pourchassé" | mp3 | set for Flute, Viola & Cello
Music for the Holy Week
"Mon Dieu, mon Dieu, pourquoi m'abandonner" (Gen Ps 22) "Pitié pour moi, Seigneur, dans ta bonté" (Gen Ps 51) "Écoute-moi quand je crie" (Gen Ps 61) |
mp3 mp3 mp3 |
Fugue set for oboe & string ensemble Fugue for string ensemble Intonation & Fugue for church organ |
Fugue on Genevan Psalter #49
"Écoutez tous, nantis et indigents" the lyrics are about playing the harp | mp3 | set for Harp
Fugue on Genevan Psalter #43
| mp3 | Brass Quintet
Fugue on Genevan Psalter #41
| mp3 | set for hobo, English horn & 2 bassoons
Fugue on Genevan Psalter #37
| mp3 | organ
Fugue on Genevan Psalter #36 (68)
mp3 |
string ensemble and for organ |
Fugato on Genevan Psalter #38
"Ne viens pas, dans ta colère" Free transcription from 'Aeolian Poem' (see below) |
church organ (flutes only) for Marijke Gussenhoven |
Fuga Sopra on Genevan Psalter #23
arrangement for string orchestra from the organ version |
"Sans le Seigneur qui s'est levé pour nous"
Fugue on Genevan Psalter #124 |
string ensemble
"Loué soit Dieu qui m'a sauvé"
Fugue on Genevan Psalter #30 |
church organ
"Rendez gloire au seul Seigneur"
Fugue on Genevan Psalter #29 id for string ensemble |
mp3 |
church organ
"Mon Dieu, mon roc, ma citadelle"
Fugue on Genevan Psalter #28 |
church organ
"Je chanterai car Dieu est ma lumière"
Fugue (fugato) on Genevan Psalter #27 |
mp3 |
organ flutes only
string ensemble |
"Seigneur, viens me juger"
Fugue/Passacaglia on Genevan Psalter #26 id for strings as passacaglia |
mp3 |
organ flutes only
string ensemble as passacaglia |
"Que Dieu répondre à la prière"
Fugue on Genevan Psalter #20 | mp3 | organ flutes only | ||
"Le ciel étincelant"
Fugue on Genevan Psalter #19 | mp3 | brass quintet | ||
"J'aime mon Dieu, il est mon assurance"
Fugue on Genevan Psalter #18 | mp3 | string ensemble | ||
"Sois, ô mon Dieu, ma garde et mon appui"
Intonation & Fugue on Genevan Psalter #16 | mp3 | organ - flutes only | ||
"Qui logera chez toi, Seigneur?"
Intonation & Fugue on Genevan Psalter #15 | mp3 | church organ | ||
"Dans leur folie, ils disent:"Point de Dieu!"
Intonation & Fugue on Genevan Psalter #14 | mp3 | organ - flutes only | ||
"Jusqu'où, Seigneur, m'oublieras-tu?"
Fugue on Genevan Psalter #13 idem for string ensemble |
mp3 |
organ - flutes only
strings |
"Viens au secours du peuple des fidèles"
Fugue on Genevan Psalter #12 |   | mp3 | organ - flutes only | |
"Je fais appel auprès de toi"
Intonation & Fugue on Genevan Psalter #17 also for string ensemble |
mp3 |
organ, flutes gedeckt
"You are a master contrapuntalist! These pieces are wonderful. I'm sure they would be played in churches everywhere if there were a way we could purchase or download copies of the scores, and I would be the first to sign up. Have you looked into online publishing?" Keith Kirchartz, Director of Music, Pittsburg PA, USA |
"Le roi, ton fils, se réjouit"
Fugue on Genevan Psalter #21 also for church organ id for brass choir & organ |
mp3 mp3 |
string ensemble organ brass choir+organ |
"Mon Dieu, mon Dieu, pourquoi m'abandonner?"
Fugue for organ on Genevan Psalter #22 |
mp3 mp3 |
organ - flutes only
string ensemble brass quartet |
"A toi, mon Dieu, mon cœur monte"
Fugue for organ on Genevan Psalter #25 |
mp3 |
organ - flutes only
string ensemble |
"Réjouissons-nous au Seigneur"
Intonation & Fugue for organ on Genevan Psalter #95 (or 24, 62, 111) idem flutes only Also for double reeds (fugue only) and for strings and for string quartet |
mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 |
church organ
oboe, English, horn, bassoons |
*** Christmas *** | ||||
Christmas Suite 2024 (revised) ( stream)
For Glockenspiel, Trumpet, Trombone, DoubleReeds, Strings, Choir & Organ - Gabriël's Tune (fugue) - The Song of the Herds - The Song of the Angels & The Song of All Faithfuls - and the Chorale as 'attaca' also attached to the previous one. |   |
mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 |
  | |
Christmas Suite 2023 ( stream)
For Glockenspiel, Trumpet, Trombone, DoubleReeds, Strings, Choir & Organ - The Song of the Herds - Gabriël's Tune (fugue) - The Song of the Angels & The Song of All Faithfuls - and the Chorale as 'attaca' also attached to the previous one. |   |
mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 |
Painting: Marijke Gussenhoven |
Christmas 2021
The Song of the Herds Flute, Timpano, Choir & Organ | mp3 |
Here's a Merry Christmas song. It stands midway a pastorale and a lullaby, but you could put it this way also:
It starts with the story of the herds (St Luke?) - a Pastorale. The repeat might be sung by a little girl (Shirley Temple's "lollipop" sound). Then there's a strange noise in the air and Heaven opens, and the "Fear not!" resounds. Then the herds make themselves up for a cheerful trip to Bethlehem, and the song turns into a song of praise, sung by the angels and the herds, while St.Joseph gets carried away playing his ivory flute. And Lord Jesus wakes up but doesn't cry. |
Christmas 2020
Carol for Glockenspiel, Trumpet, Trombone, Choir & Organ | mp3 | |||
Christmas 2019
Berceuse for Flute, English Horn & Bassoon | mp3 |
Painting/Photo Marijke Gussenhoven |
Christmas 2016
Bourrée for String Ensemble in baroque style |   | mp3 | ||
Christmas 2015
Chorus "O, Kerstnacht schooner dan de dagen" or, "The Massacre of the Innocents" id. for church organ id. for flute & double reeds id. with Tenor Sax id. for choir (SATB) id. for string ensemble id. for tutti all in one stream, complete with the poem on YouTube |
mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 YouTube |
brass quintet The chorus at the end of the 3rd act of Vondel's theater play "Gysbrecht van Aemstel" (1638) Rightly included in the Church Song Book (Liedboek voor de Kerken) ... until 1973, when it was replaced. The lyrics were saved, tho. Why? Some self-opinioned church musician found the second interval (an octave) in the melody "improper" (sic!). Or, a story how a beautiful melody, by a famous composer, from before 1637 can disappear ... |
Christmas 2014 (Kommet Ihr Hirten!)
voor orgel for piccolo, flute & alto flute idem for String Ensemble idem for low brass (French horn, trombone, tuba) Christmas 2013 for flute, English horn, bassoon Christmas 2012 for 3 women's voices Christmas 2011 for Flute & Piano Christmas 2010 for Glockenspiel, Choir & Organ Christmas 2009, for Voice, Flute and Strings idem for Voice, Flute, Timpani & Organ (Hauptwerk) |
mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 |
"[...]inderdaad een schitterend stuk muziek!" Paul de Nooijer
The "Celebration of Light" because of the winter solstice only holds for the Northern hemisphere. After the discovery and capturing of the Southern hemisphere by the North, things turned upside down and for entire peoples the environment became absurdistic. Indeed, in the late Middle Ages, later called the Renaissance, new ideas emerged, especially in art. Like with Botticelli who, in his famous painting Primavera, let a branch grow from the mouth of a virgin. "Tenderness is the opposite of passion; it grows from the awareness of the own vulnerability and helps the other, to whom it is reaching out, to bear his own vulnerable existence." Ton Lemaire - De tederheid (1968 Uitgeverij Ambo n.v.) In Christian tradition Christmas is the feast and celebration of the birth of a Child. At Christmas Jan Pietersz. Sweelinck (1562 - 1621) used to play the organ in the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam - according to liturgian prescriptions with a repertoire of Christmas Carols. It was called "het Kindeke wiegen" (rocking the Child) - not sure whether this was already in use in Roman Catholic or only in Protestant tradition, just like the typical Dutch polemics whether Sweelinck belonged to the Catholic or the Protestant Church. When the tilting of the earth reaches the point where the sun is directly overhead at the Tropic of Capricorn, the sun's returning from its journey to the South. When the birth of Christ was assessed onto the calendar (4th century) they chose 25th of December - about the day of the Return of the Light, until then, with the Romans, the heathen feast-day of the unconquerable Indo-Persian sun-god Mitra, possibly thanks to the first Christian Emperor Constantine the Great. The song is in Christian tradition - glockenspiel, trumpet, choir and organ. The organ takes the lead, but Lord Jesus grabs his bells & rattle, that he just got from an unknown generous angel, and plays after what he just heard (he's a quick learner!) and even dares to give a solo performance on his glockenspiel! Then, Maria & Joseph, the herds and the angels are delighted and couldn't wait singing and playing a cheerful song, celebrating both the Feast of the Light and the Birth of a King, while Lord Jesus is just listening by now, because it's in his honour. (One and another after my own apocryphical notes). Here's a Merry Christmas song. It stands midway a pastorale and a lullaby, but you could put it this way also: It starts with the story of the herds (St Luke?) - a Pastorale. The repeat might be sung by a little girl (Shirley Temple's "lollipop" sound). Then there's a strange noise in the air and Heaven opens, and the "Fear not!" resounds. Then the herds make themselves up for a cheerful trip to Bethlehem, and the song turns into a song of praise, sung by the angels and the herds, while St.Joseph gets carried away playing his ivory flute. And Lord Jesus wakes up but doesn't cry. |
*** Miscelaneous *** | ||||
My Pastorale in a setting for piccolo, flute and alto flute got a nomination in "The Flute View" Composition Contest 2015 (San Francisco, USofA) - to me an 'honorable mention'
Please, read more ... |   | mp3 | piccolo, flute & alto flute | |
Élégie (live performance) | YouTube | Cèlia Gonzàlez, flautist from Barcelona performed my Élégie and put the recording on YouTube | ||
Élégie, set for Fluit, Alt Sax, Harp
| mp3 | configuratie Merwede Trio
Intro & Fugue (for Architecture without building)
pour Trombone, Cordes et Orgue Première as "Music without playing": October 27th 2012 in De Vleeshal Middelburg (Neth) - 19:00 thru 22:00h See it also on YouTube |   | mp3 |
dédiée à Jean-Baptiste Decavèle Photo: Marijke Gussenhoven "Your "Introduction & Fugue" is wonderful - very inspiring and effective musical interpretation of the artistic work! Lovely poem to go with as well! I did not initially notice the comment that the work was intended as a 'fugue' of rings. But, my brain instantly recognized some type of order / logic / math of sound waves in the work of art - how fascinating to further learn that the artist did intend an organized musical structure to be visually represented. I find it so intriguing when artists challenge the norms of what art "should" look like - that it is not always in a frame / box - I can appreciate a work like this for it's originality and creative execution." Elaine Lundin, Detroit USA "Yes, Elaine, the mission of an artist is to surpass the norms." Jan Karman |
Pour Chasser le Diable
Drame Réligieux for Flute, Trombone, Choir, Strings & Organ id for String Ensemble, Flute & Bassoon |   | mp3
mp3 |
La Mélancolie - Fugue - Adagio
La Nosophobie - Air (Ricercare) - Andante L'Exorcisation - Caprice - Agitato L'Euphorie - Chorale - Moderato |
Nominated at the 2018 Concorso Internazionale Bruno Serri in Serramazzoni, Italy
Rhapsodie of Golden Oldies 'A Piccolo's Delight' - Bolero - Tempo di Samba - Slow Waltz - Tarantella for piccolo, accordeon, tuba & bongo/tambourin idem stream |   |
mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 |
Cuban moods, Tempo di Samba, sweet NewYork ballroom (Walter Gross's Tenderly) and Sicilian breeze It's said that the tarantella - a Sicilian dance - is curing the deadly bite of the tarantula. Another reading is that the bite causes a state of madness that leads to moving the body to exhaustion dedicated to (and accepted by) Nicola Mazzanti, master piccoloist |
Elegia per flauto e arpa
arrangement from the solo version (please, see below) |
flute & harp
- Pastorale
for two bassoons & bass clarinet - as performed on 6th of April in NedPhO-Koepel Amsterdam by Margreet Bongers, Dymphna van Dooremaal (bassoons) & Herman Draaisma (bass clarinet). |   |
mp3 |
Originally made for harpsichord/organ (please, see below).
Recently set for two bassoons & bass clarinet Detail uit het poppenspel 'Oma, mag ik mijn pop terug' |
Aus Haendel's Zeit II
Allemande for String Ensemble in baroque style Aus Haendel's Zeit I (see also Christmas 2016) Bourrée for String Ensemble in baroque style |   |
mp3 |
Berceuse (± 1962)
mp3 mp3 mp3 |
guitar-trio harp flute & piano (Christmas 2011) |
Advent 2014
for choir, flute & organ |   | mp3 | At the first Sunday of the Advent, I'd like to share a song on an old famous poem by Wilhelm Osterwald (1820 - 1887), "O Du mein Trost und Süsses Hoffen", probably the most sung lyrics at Advent. This music is a compilation of one of my airs preceded by a prelude. Pastorale & Chorale for 5 voices for Mixed Choir & Flute (5th voice) and Organ |
La Côte Flute Festival 2014
Élégie in concert, live performance & recording by Carole Reuge and again in Richland, WA (USofA) |   |
mp3 |
Carole Reuge, flautist, performed my Élégie in her recital at 15th December 2013 in
Genolier (Sw) Beautiful interpretation! New-Edge Building, Richland, WA (USofA) 8th January, 2014 Beautifully repeated at the "La Côte Flute Festival 2014" |
La Côte Flute Festival 2014
Sonata pour Flûte, Alto Flûte et Orgue (sampling) -Caprice - Agitato -Pastorale - Andante e dolce -Fugue - Vivace |   |
As performed dans Le Temple de Bursins (CH) at the La Côte Flûte Festival
- Carole Reuge, flute - Florence Ursenbacher, alto flute - Denis Fedorov, organ "Concerts ranged from solo performers to full orchestra, and included an extremely enjoyable performance of music for two flutes and organ, featuring Carole Reuge." Carla Rees, in PAN - December 2014, The Journal of the Britsh Flute Society |
for flute, violin, viola & cello |   | mp3 | Originally made for flute solo (2009) and dedicated to Marijke, my wife.
Recently set for flute quartet. |
"Heureux celui dont la faute est remise"
Fugue for organ on Genevan Psalter #32 |
mp3 mp3 |
organ - flutes only
organ - prestants string ensemble |
4 composities in concert Koorkerk Middelburg 31 juli 2014
- Seigneur que d'ennemis (ps. 3) - fuga - Heureux celui dont la faute est remise (ps. 33) - fuga - Pastorale - Andante e dolce - Vous, tous les peuples de la terre (ps. 66) - koraalfuga |   |
mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 |
door Rinus Goedhart, alt-saxofoon en Adri Karman, orgel
orgel orgel in een uitvoering voor alt-saxofoon & orgel orgel |
"Daar kwam een boer van Zwitserland" |   | mp3 | string ensemble | |
"Réjouis-toi, peuple fidèle!"
Fugue for organ on Genevan Psalter #33 (or 67) id for String Ensemble id for Brass Choir |
mp3 mp3 mp3 |
organ string ensemble brass choir |
Cantate Concertante (redesign 2013)
Seven movements: - Overture - Duet Air, for Soprano & Bassoon - Air for Choir a cappella - Pastorale, for Flute,English horn & Bassoon - Air for Choir & Strings - Grand Fugue, for Organ + Brass Sextet - Choral, Intermezzo, Choral, for Choir, Brass Sextet, Strings & Organ id stream |
mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 |
Cantate for Good Shepherd Sunday (4e Sunday from Easter). "A very enjoyable and rewarding concert piece!" Jeff Cattie, composer & publisher |
Magnificat (± 7 min.) |   | mp3 |
Compilation of Grand Fugue & Chorale on Genevan Psalter 23
for organ & choir Fugue: 4 voices; Choral: 5 voices (1 upper voice for organ) The lyrics of The Song of Praise of Maria appeared to fit exactly in this melody. So, I decided to be it a Magnificat |
Harmonization Exercises as given by Vidas Pinkevicius
from his Organ Mass for the 30th Sunday Introitus Graduale id for brass choir Graduale (starting with ascending alto & bass) also with slight differences at the end of measure 6 in b and c (timemark 0:43 ff) |   |
mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 (a) mp3 (b) mp3 (c) |
Great fun doing Vidas' harmonization exercises! | |
Ballade voor picclo & harp
"Daer zat een sneeuwwit vogelkijn" |   | mp3 | werk in uitvoering | |
Die winter is vergangen
5 variations on an old Dutch tune recently set for oboe & bassoon |   | mp3 |
old goodie or odd goldie,
please, see also about bottom line |
Fugue on Genevan Psalter #118 (or 66 or 98)
set for Strings, Organ and Bass Trombone | mp3 | "The stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone"
A cheerful happening up there in the temple ... |
Three cadenzas to Mozart's Flute Concerto Nr. 2
actually his Oboe Concerto KV 314, on request of Carole Reuge, concert flautist (fragments ± 30secs prior to the cadenzas) |   |
mp3 mp3 |
Dimanche 5 mai 2013
Temple de Nyon (Suisse), 18:00 heures Ensemble Contrepoint Claude Gruffel, direction Carole Reuge, flûte Thomas Winteler, clarinette Mozart, Concerto en Ré majeur pour flûte Cadences: Jan Karman (compositeur - Pays-Bas) Weber, Concerto pour clarinette no.1 "The cadenzas of [...] are dominating everywhere. They seem pretty traditional and hackneyed and therefore seem to be slightly worn-out. Here is your strength, Jan. Your sequences are fresh and unknown. I like particularly the one in the third movement. It is really fresh and the tones are mobile, a feature that in my world characterizes a good cadenza. Going towards the ending you use a the passage going down (right after the shout of a kid) and right after that another downward passage making good introduction to the tutti." Christoffer Kofler, Copenhagen "The flute concerto cadenzas are brilliant! [...] Even the smaller, community type orchestras are wonderful to hear live performances. Elaine Lundin, Detroit USA |
Fugue on an old Flemish tune
"Komt vrienden in het ronden" for Strings, Trombone & Organ |   | mp3 | "ronden" = rounding, a craft in wood processing, with only one skill: spinning the grindstone by moving the knee. | |
Aeolian Poem
for Oboe, Flute, English Horn & Strings id voor HABOG-project (Borsele) |   | mp3
mp3 |
dedicated to Marijke Gussenhoven
voor project William Verstraeten |
Op een gedicht van Gust Gils
- verheugde uitroep (canon for 3 woman's voices) |
  | mp3 | verheugde uitroep
ik ben een unicum ik ben een hybride ik ga anoniem door de bomen met een oor in mijn ontbloeide linkerhand voor Marijke Gussenhoven |
Suite Caprice for Clarinet Solo (2010)
- Presto - Capriccio - Dolce - Allegretto - Presto |
mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 |
Little present for a graduate (Master of Philosofy) | |
Grand Fugue #1 for Organ on a theme of Loys Bourgeois
Grand Fugue #2 for Organ id. Grand Fugue #3 for Organ Fugue #4 for Organ |
mp3 mp3 mp3 |
on Genevan Psalter 23
"I have just been listening to your Grand Fugue Nr. 1 on YouTube. It sent shivers down my spine and raised goose-bumps on my arms! Thank you!" Ray Cannon "Majestic!" Vidas Penkevicius, organist on Genevan Psalter 3 - Loys Bourgeois Both scores in Eastman College Sibley Music Library (University of Rochester -USA) on Genevan Psalter 9 on Genevan Psalter 66 (or 98, 118) |
Wistfulness & Desire
- Pastorale for Flute, English horn and Bassoon - Pastorale for Organ - Pastorale for The Dryden Ensemble - Genevan Psalter nr. 6 for Mixed Choir - Élégie for Flute Solo  - idem for Cello Solo  - idem for Violin  - idem for Viola Solo  - idem for Oboe Solo  - idem for Clarinet Solo, played by Morrie Sherry  - idem for Trombone Solo  - idem for Cornet Solo  - idem for Flute + Strings  - idem for String Ensemble  - idem for Piano - De Profundis |
mp3 mp3 YouTube mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 |
"Jan, this is fantastic! Are you kidding?! That's beautiful writing. From that very first ascending line up to the octave I was just drawn in. And later when you go to the upper register is just beautiful. This is going on my play list." Steve Sachse, guitarist/composer "Lovely piece Jan!" Mike Milillo, composer "Beautiful piece Jan." Great use of the different ranges of flute. Liked the (implied) harmonies and slithering melodic line -- esp. the 16-th triplets. Dan Carr, composer. Live première on Sunday November 14, 2010 at Sint Anna ter Muyden (see above): a breath-taking performance by Karla Lieve Savat, flautist. Transcription from Genevan Psalter #4 |
Scherzo for Bassoon Solo |   | mp3 | ||
Columbus Mvt I idem with picture (needs WMP) |
  | mp3
htm |
strings + trombone | |
J.S. Bach BWV622 - O Mensch, bewein dein' Sünde groß
Henry and/or Daniel? Purcell |
  | mp3 mp3 |
Arrangement for String Quartet Arrangement for Harpsichord, Oboe & Bassoon |
Was Gott tut daß ist wohl getan | mp3 | Chorale with introducing new melody as a prelude | ||
In Memoriam Leendert |   | mp3 | Muziek bij de uitvaart van Leendert Kloote | |
In Memoriam Maria Josepha
- Kyrie - Requiescat in Pace - In Paradisum |
  | mp3 |
Muziek bij de uitvaart van Maria Josepha Röder-de Haan | |
Kleine Mis voor Orgel (Kyrie + Gloria)
- Kyrie (7 antifonen) |
  | mp3 |
work in progress | |
Misty - Inventio's on a Theme by Errol Garner
- Theme - Inventio #1 |
mp3 mp3 |
  | |
Luctor et Emergo (Op. 1)
- Pastorale - Passacaglia - Fugue - Choral |
mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 |
"I think this is very good writing, based upon one listen. I think that all of the musical languages you employed were well articulated. The 'blues' section caught me off guard, I didn't expect you to go there, but I really liked that section, and the one following was very well constructed in terms of melody and movement. Good pacing, you kept my interest throughout. This has the mark of an experienced composer. Congrats!".
Steve Sachse, guitarist/composer "Your Suite on your Provincial Anthem is beautiful - excellent harmonies in the variations and a very skillfully made fugue." Vidas Pinkevicius, President at National Association of Organists in Lithuania |
Luctor et Emergo (Op. 1)
- Pastorale - Passacaglia - Fugue - Choral id. stream |
mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 |
Setting for Clarinet Quintet | |
Luctor et Emergo (Op. 1)
- Pastorale - Passacaglia - Fugue - Choral idem stream |
mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 |
Setting for harpsichord, for which it was written in the first place | |
Luctor et Emergo (Op. 1) |   | mp3 | Setting for String Ensemble | |
Luctor et Emergo (Op. 1) |   | mp3 | Pastorale - Setting for Flute Quartet
work in progress |
*** Older works *** | ||||
From the series "Nostalgia"
Cuban Bolero - the song of wistfulness & desire Some arrangements of old Cuban boleros Dos Cruces - Carmelo Larrea Forgot title & composer Forgot title & composer Manha de Carnaval - Luiz Bonfa Besame Mucho - Consuelo Velasquez |   |
mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3 |
Photo Marijke Gussenhoven hundreds of Latin-American songs are based on this dance, that first emerged in Santiago de Cuba, late 19th c. another one of my favorites and one more from the movie Orfeu Negro (actually a Slow Bossa Nova) the classic one from Consuelo Velasquez |
Blue Monday (± 1965)
also for brass |
  | mp3
mp3 |
once heard on the radio, later set for piano, and recently set for harmoy orchestra
never knew were it came from - now baptized "Blue Monday" |
Bourrée for Bassoon Trio
in baroque style |   | mp3 | ||
Bourrée (± 1952?) |   | mp3 |   stems from a time I was busy with Haendel at the harmonium (1952?) | |
Lied ohne Worte (± 1950?) |   | mp3
mp3 mp3 |
id voor Harmonie Orkest or Full Concert Band |